What are your store timings?

We are open on all days from 11am-8pm,

Fridays we open at 3pm, due to weekly store maintenance activities.

Can Drogo Pets deliver animals to another state?

We do not ship or deliver animals as it can be extremely stressful for them, you need to visit our store to purchase a pet. We can only ship products & that too only in Mumbai as of now.

Should I buy the animal first or the enclosure and related products?

Always do research on the animal beforehand. You can also request us for a care guide of the species you are looking to house, this will help you understand all the basic needs before you get them home to ensure you know what you’re getting into and you have all requirements met.

Always prepare the enclosure setup and stock dietary requirements, medicines, toys & supplements before purchasing the animal. This will eradicate stress for your pet and make for a pleasant experience for both you and your new family member.

When should I contact a vet?

If your pet is displaying any unusual behavior or is being lethargic, PLEASE DO NOT wait it out.

Contact your vet at the earliest, to have any medical or stress related issues ruled out.