Aquarium AMC(Annual Maintenance Contract):

Whether you are a beginner hobbyist or an advance level expert, It often becomes difficult to take out time at regular intervals to maintain your home/office aquariums.

Be it Fresh water or marine, Drogo Pets has you covered.

Our AMC team will alert you before every scheduled visit and will take all the precautions needed to make the experience safe. Our Covid free team will be equipped in PPE kits, to ensure the safety of your loved ones at home.

The combination of our advanced aquarium cleaning equipment and the expert skills of our AMC team, will surely make it easy for everyone to run pristine and well maintained aquariums.

Our team will not only clean the aquarium but also run water quality & PH tests, clean and maintain the canister filters or filtration sump to further reduce nitrates, add and replace bio filtration media as and when required and ensure the upkeep of all your electronics and notify if you need to replace any equipment.

To get a quote, simply call us and provide us the details of your aquarium dimensions and filtration setup. We will do the rest.